Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Cooking Class : Neapolitan Cheese Cake

Last Saturday, because of my lacking baking cheesecakes, which the cake may collaps in the end even before the cake cutting begins, I managed to encourage myself to go to cooking class at BAGUS Shah Alam. At first I thought that we are making a "cheesecake" but actually it was only a "butter cheesecake". Lol. Nevermind, the knowledge and techniques are important (this is mainly because I need to know how to make a perfect butter cake - sucks at this too). 

Let me introduce the teacher - Chef Leong. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Chef and yes I have bunch of the tricks from him. It was a semi hand on class, so mostly me and the others do nothing but only listen to his cooking secret.

Chef Leong in action
This Neapolitan Cheesecake consist of three layer of different flavored cake - vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. 

The pictures above are vanilla flavoured butter cheesecake, Chef Leong prepared for us the cupcakes for tasting, cakes decorated by me and decorated by Chef Leong. Can you tell the difference? Tangan keras dengan tangan pro?

Adapted from Chef Leong
(will make two 6 inch cakes)

Ingredients : - 

250 g Cream cheese (Anchor)
250 g Butter (Tatura)
300 g Castor Sugar
6 Eggs (grade B)
300 g Self-raising flour
1 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Vanilla essence
100 g Fresh milk
1 tsp Lemon juice
1 tsp Strawberry emulco
1 tsp Chocolate emulco

Method : - 
  1. Mix butter, creamcheese and sugar together. Whip until very fluffy. Don't forget to scrape the unmixed batter in the bowl.
  2. Gradually add eggs and vanilla. Whipped until the batter becomes very-very fluffy (at high speed of mixing).
  3. Add half of the flour into the batter and mix until fluffy (high speed).
  4. With spatula, add the remaining of the flour and milk. Why spatula? It is to maintain the airiness of the butter after beating then hard at full speed.
  5. Divide the batter into three portion. Flavor the batter with lemon juice, strawberry and chocolate emulco. Add the emulco if needed.
  6. Pour the batter into different greased 6 inch cake tins
  7. Baked at 190C for 30 minutes.

Adapted from Chef Leong

Ingredients : - 

1 Eggs
80 g Castor sugar
250 g Unsalted butter (Anchor)
500g Chocolate ganache (Bagus)

Method : -
  1. Double boil the egg and sugar until 60C, While still hot, whipped the egg until light and fluffy - the texture will be white and ribbon)
  2. Cut the cool butter (Chef did with butter at room temperature) into small pieces, gradually add into egg mixture.
  3. Whipped the mixture until creamy, then add in chocolate ganache.
Assembling the cake :-
  1. Slice each into two pieces.
  2. Layer and sandwich the cake with cream, then cover the whole cake
  3. Make simple decoration for the cake.

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